Pinterest-ing Saturday

I am scared of Pinterest and what it could do to me. I am afraid I could get sucked into its quicksand and die all lonely completely “pinned” out. So I’ve tried my darndest to stay away but keep my toe in the water a bit just to have access to it. With my recent separation with facebook….well, separation in this case would be a drastic decrease in my presence and having gone whole days without so much as a glance at my feed….I figure I have a bit of time to some Pinterest my interests.

My favorite pin thus far? Its a toss up between the little “Up!” boy and those chocolate peanut butter graham cracker bars of amazingness.

[I did try my hand at a little pinterest project of my own today….I’m so tired of Miss Averys hands being ice cubes at 5am when I go to feed her. You see, she looooves shoving her left fist inbetween the mattress and crib slat and so when I go to feed her her tiny hands shock me into a “okay! I’m up!” state. Almost as if she is saying, “Well, mom, if you weren’t awake before, you sure are now!” So I took a pair of old baby boy socks and cut a tiny hole in the side of each to make mittens for her…the hole being for her sacred thumb so she has full access to it. It didnt work out as planned. She verbally told me I was nuts and ended up eating the sock. So there goes my first official original pin. :/]

pics of my unacceptable attempt at helping my precious daughter keep her hands warm at night….:/

It also took me an hour, 2 phone calls, and 3 online attempts to order pizza tonight. I’m losing it….rofl!!

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