{media} monday.

I bought this album last week and I looooove it. It was on itunes for only $6.99 and I have no idea as to why….as it’s not “discount” material. I also found the music video for it as well which is really swell and listed below in the title link.

Florence and the Machine “Shake it Out”

So, in case you were never aware before, one of my biggest dreams is to be in a music video. In college, everytime I would walk to class alone, I would have some amazing tune running thru my head and just go with the beat. I would pretend that I was starring in my own music video. I love having a soundtrack to my life and I wish there was background music playing constantly. Please call me if you know of anyone making a music video and I’ll be happy to crash the set.

Tomorrow is a bittersweet day. It’s the release of The David Crowder Band’s final album. So in honor of them, I will post my favorite music video which also happens to be theirs….DCB “Shine” and if you only have time to view one of these music videos, please choose this one. There is no comparison to the amazingness between these videos. David Crowder wins everytime.

  please buy this album tomorrow…I’m sure you won’t regret it.

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